March Madness...


March Madness...

We goofed! We missed posting our Sunday Short yesterday. Well let's blame March Madness. Here is something to get you passed the Monday/workweek blues. Sit back, laugh a lot and enjoy!


I Fish Because...


I Fish Because...

This week's Sunday Short comes via a suggestion of one our friends Jim. We think you'll really enjoy this adaptation of the 1964 essay, Testament of a Fisherman, by John Voelker. Why is it that you fish?


Liquid Gold...


Liquid Gold...

This is by far our favorite "Sunday Short"! We cannot stop watching this over and over. Check out the trailer and the full length video too!


Hopper Madness!

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Hopper Madness!

Who doesn't love summer fishing? Combine beautiful scenery, explosive takes and hopper flies and you have this week's Sunday Short.

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Sunday Shorts: Take 2


Sunday Shorts: Take 2

Crazy, but another week has flown by. We decided to change the name of this feature, but the premise is the same. We've got another cool video for you to watch and be inspired by, so sit back and enjoy the Sunday Short!


Swinging for Steel


Swinging for Steel

At home base in New England today it is beyond cold and leaves us dreaming of chasing fish in warmer locations and days. Thankfully there are plenty of videos online to watch. Thought we'd share one we came across today. Enjoy the show!


Coming Soon...


Coming Soon...

We here at On the Fly are working hard to get the podcast trailer and future episodes ready to go soon. We figured it was time for an update on the progress and a new feature we will be rolling out soon.


Tractor Beam...


Tractor Beam...

In science fiction movies, we often see a spaceship equipped with a tractor beam being able to stop another spaceship dead in its tracks, sometimes pulling it in closer to be captured. Let's apply this analogy to the ideal traction for wading in a river. Traction like this would be more than ideal, it would be amazing. While we can't say if there is a wading boot, which can hold you on any and every surface with such force we may have found one that comes really close. 


Saving our Wild Rivers and Fish


Saving our Wild Rivers and Fish

Where is that special place you like to hike or fish? What makes it so special to you? No doubt you want to make sure it stays that way for years to come. But how can you do that even on the small scale? We cover some practical steps we can all take to do just that.


Giving Tuesday


Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday: Get On the Fly decals at the lowest price ever and 100% of your purchase goes to conservation! And you get to choose where...


Fins N Grins...


Fins N Grins...

Do you have a fishing buddy that you have a bunch of adventures in common? Sometimes even unbelievable adventures? Then you're just like Charles Cantella. He recounts some of his adventures in Fins N Grins, a collection of his stories.


Making Memories

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Making Memories

One of the greatest memories I have of being on the water will always be a trip to the backwoods of Maine with my father. One thing hasn't changed; being on the water with my father, the man who taught me to fly fish and much more, is the time I cherish the most. Great memories are made each time, whether it is one of dancing around in the river, nearly going down, sharing good laughs, flies and insights or even getting skunked.

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Contest! Free Giveaway!


Contest! Free Giveaway!

We here at On the Fly wanted to celebrate our first guest interview being recorded and thank you all for your support thus far! We have an awesome grand prize: one Tacky Fly Fishing Day Pack fly box and some runner up prizes (two On the Fly stickers, one for you and one to share). 


Just One More...


Just One More...

My good friend and his family learned a hard lesson this past year. Sadly their dog got into some poison they forgot was on the farm. While it was a sad time, the story doesn't end there. 
